More than 1500 inspections
Expert in locating air infiltration;
water infiltration and waterproofing in building
better managed thanks to the thermal analysis of your building
teste smoked
À propos
Découvrez notre histoire. Chez Inspection Thermique, nous sommes passionnés par l'inspection des bâtiments et la détection des problèmes thermiques. Notre équipe d'experts utilise les dernières technologies pour fournir des rapports précis et détaillés. Nous sommes déterminés à offrir un service de qualité à nos clients et à les aider à prendre des décisions éclairées. Faites confiance à notre expertise pour tous vos besoins en inspection thermique.
Thermal inspection for solar panel:
Drone thermography is used to analyze heat loss in buildings,
or even solar panels.
Drone or terrestrial thermography also makes it possible to take reliable measurements of temperature readings. This technical expertise by drone is part of an energy saving approach.
Compared to an analysis carried out on the ground, drone thermography makes it possible to survey large areas and reach places normally difficult to access.
On the ground we have a civil drone remote pilot and an operator, which allows the remote pilot to carry out the thermal service by drone while being focused on piloting, the operator for his part is on site to ensure the security of the flight zone, check HD screen returns and pre-rendered thermal data. This solution makes it possible to minimize recording errors since they are verified by the human eye live.